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What are Spirit Guides?

What are Spirit Guides?


Spirit Guides are beings from the spiritual realm who offer their guidance and support to us humans. They can take various forms, such as deceased loved ones, ancestors, ascended masters, angels, or animal spirits. Each of us may have one or even several Spirit Guides who work with us throughout our lives. We also have guides who come in and out of our lives to help us with specific life obstacles or circumstances.


Our Spirit Guides are often seen as wise and compassionate beings that help us navigate life’s challenges, find our purpose, and evolve spiritually.


Types of Spirit Guides


We all have a handful of Spirit Guides that are on hand to help and assist us at any time. Knowing the types of guides that we can have is an important step in creating a connection with your guide. Guides can come in and out of your life to help you with various life challenges or life milestones. For example, you may have a Spirit Teacher come into your life when you are expanding within work or starting a new job. Once their role is complete they will leave and a new guide may enter. More often than not when you begin to connect with your guides you will usually connect with your main guide first as they are around you the most.


Let’s take a look at the types of guides you may have around you.


Ancestral Guides: These guides are connected to your lineage and ancestors. They offer wisdom, protection, and a connection to your heritage and familial roots.


Ascended Masters: Ascended Masters are highly evolved spiritual beings who have lived on Earth in previous lifetimes. They possess profound wisdom and enlightenment and can offer guidance on various aspects of life.


Angels: Angels are celestial beings of pure love and light. They provide guidance, protection, and support in times of need. Each person is believed to have a guardian angel who watches over them.


Animal Guides: Animal Guides, also known as Power Animals or Totems, are spiritual guides that take the form of animals. They embody specific qualities and energies, offering guidance and support aligned with those attributes.


Spirit Teachers: Spirit Teachers are wise beings who specialize in specific areas of knowledge or spiritual practices. They offer guidance, teachings, and mentorship in their respective fields.


How Spirit Guides can be of service


Guidance and Wisdom: Spirit Guides offer insights, wisdom, and guidance to help you navigate life’s challenges, make decisions, and find your path. They may communicate through signs, symbols, synchronicities, dreams, or intuitive insights.


Protection and Support: Spirit Guides provide protection and support, helping you navigate difficult situations, overcome obstacles, and find comfort in times of distress. They can offer energetic shielding and intervene on your behalf.


Spiritual Development: Spirit Guides assist in your spiritual growth and evolution. They help you deepen your connection to your higher self, expand your awareness, and enhance your spiritual practices.


Healing and Emotional Support: Spirit Guides can assist in emotional healing, providing comfort, guidance, and support during times of grief, trauma, or emotional challenges. They offer unconditional love and understanding.


Intuition and Introspection: Spirit Guides help you develop and trust your intuition. They encourage introspection, self-reflection, and inner listening, guiding you towards greater self-awareness and self-discovery.



Developing a relationship with your Spirit Guides


Meditation and Prayer: Regular meditation and prayer create a sacred space for communication with your Spirit Guides. Set aside time to connect, express gratitude, and ask for guidance.


Trust and Openness: Trust the guidance you receive and remain open to different ways in which your Spirit Guides communicate. Pay attention to signs, synchronicities, and intuitive nudges.


Journaling: Maintain a journal to record any experiences, messages, or insights received during your interactions with your Spirit Guides. This helps deepen your connection and understanding.


Respect and Boundaries: Approach your Spirit Guides with respect and gratitude. Clearly state your intentions and boundaries, and ask for guidance aligned with your highest good.


It is important to remember that Spirit Guides honour your free will and will not interfere unless specifically asked for help or if your life’s purpose is at stake. They provide guidance and support, but the choices and actions ultimately remain yours. Building a relationship with your Spirit Guides can be a transformative and enriching journey, bringing greater spiritual connection, wisdom, and support into your life.


How you can connect with your Spirit Guides


For a step by step guide on making that important connection with your Spirit Guides you can download my Beginners Guide to Connecting with your Spirit Guides.

It is important when you are learning to connect with your Spirit Guides that you are doing it in a way that is going to give you a strong connection with your guide as well as doing it in a safe way. There is a lot out there that we can tap into and knowing what and who we are connecting with is very important. That said if done safely and at a pace that is right for you, there will be a connection that will last a lifetime!


Happy connecting!


Love S x


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