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Signs from the Spirit Realm


Signs from the Spirit Realm

Hey there! Let’s dive into the wonderful world of signs from the spirit realm. You know, those special little moments that remind us that our departed loved ones are still right by our side, watching over us with love and guidance. So, let’s explore some of these magical signs, shall we?


Feathers – The Angel’s Calling Cards:

Picture this: You’re walking along, lost in your thoughts when suddenly, out of the blue, you spot a beautiful feather right in your path! It might be a brilliant white, a warm brown, or even a strikingly unique colour. Well, guess what? That feather is like a little calling card from the angels, or perhaps from your beloved departed one. It’s their way of saying, “Hey, I’m here with you, cheering you on, and sending you some love and support!”


Coins – A Little Currency from Heaven:

Have you ever found a coin in the most unexpected places, like right on the sidewalk or in the corner of your room? Well, that’s no ordinary coin; that’s a special delivery from the spirit realm! Some say that coins are like a cosmic “hello” from our departed loved ones. They leave these shiny tokens to let us know that they are still around, watching over us, and maybe even sending us a little extra luck.


Songs on the Radio – Melodies from Beyond:

Now, picture this scene: You’re driving in your car, flipping through the radio stations, and suddenly, a song comes on that takes you straight back to those cherished memories with your loved one. Goosebumps, right? Well, that’s no coincidence; it’s like a serenade from the other side! Those songs carry a special message, and they might just be their way of saying, “Hey, I’m here, and I want you to know I’m always with you, singing in your heart!”


Butterflies – Wings of Transformation:

Ah, butterflies, those delicate and graceful creatures that flutter through our lives like magical messengers. Spotting a butterfly might be more than just a pretty sight; it could be a symbol of transformation and the presence of your loved one. It’s like they’re saying, “Hey, I’m free, and I want you to embrace life’s changes and find joy in the little things, just like I do.”


Unusual Animal Encounters – Nature’s Nudges:

Sometimes, animals come into our lives with a special message from beyond. Maybe a wise owl perches near your window, a playful squirrel greets you every morning, or a majestic hawk soars overhead. These extraordinary animal encounters might just be your loved one’s way of sending you a little nudge, telling you they’re looking out for you and offering their wisdom.

Embrace the messages

So, next time you come across one of these magical signs, take a moment to smile and say, “Hey there, I see you!” Embrace the warmth and comfort that these messages bring, knowing that your departed loved ones are forever connected to your heart and watching over you, sprinkling a bit of their love and magic into your everyday life. Embrace the signs, dear friend, and let them remind you that love never truly fades away. It’s always right there, in every feather, coin, song, and fluttering butterfly, lighting up your world with their eternal presence! 🦋💕


Would you like to learn how to connect with your Spirit Guides directly? Download our guidebook today and start building that long term connection- How to Connect With Your Spirit Guides (PDF) | Sarah Smith Coaching


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