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Sarah Smith Psychic

One of the UK’s most trusted Psychics

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call our psychics:


All calls are recorded. Ent only. SP PO box 10015, CM1 9HH. To OPT out of free promo msg text STOP or call our helpline 0330 114 0030.

Sarah’s Psychic Circle

£11.99 / month with a 6-week free trial

A monthly membership platform like no other, it is a space of cosy community, monthly readings, Live Psychic Readings, support and friendship from Sarah, as well as astrological forecasts, monthly horoscopes for all zodiac signs, Spirit Messages and Magical Manifestations. 


Monthly Readings  

    Members receive a monthly reading which can include your love life, career, current situation, energies around you, past present and future spread and more. 


Exclusive Content

    Access to a members-only area with a library of exclusive articles, videos, and audio content on topics such as astrology, tarot, meditation, and holistic healing.

Monthly Horoscope

   Monthly horoscopes providing astrological insights for the month ahead for all 12 zodiac signs. 

Monthly Manifestation and Affirmation 

– Monthly exercises with techniques on Manifestations with a set focus as well as group monthly affirmations to repeat daily. 

Monthly Spirit Messages

Messages channelled from Spirit to give guidance and clarity for the month ahead with insight on anything that the collective needs to be made aware of. 


Monthly Astrological Forecast

Forecast with a focus on important astrological dates to be aware of and keep safe within your diary, including information on the moon cycle and planets transitioning through retrograde. 

Community Forum

   -Access to a private online community or forum where members can connect, share experiences, and discuss spiritual and psychic topics with like-minded individuals. 

Discounted Readings and Services

   – Members receive discounted rates on additional psychic readings, spiritual coaching, or other services offered by the company.

Exclusive Discounts 

   Special discounts on  products and telephone readings with our live psychics

Priority Booking with Sarah 

    Members recieve priority booking for appointment slots with Sarah ensuring they can schedule sessions at convenient times.

Monthly Newsletter 

    A monthly newsletter featuring spiritual insights, tips, and updates on upcoming events and offerings.


Birthday Readings or Discounts

     Members receive a special birthday reading or exclusive discounts on readings and products during their birthday month.
Come and join our growing community of over 3,000 likeminded individuals. 

Sign up with us today and join our growing community as we walk hand in hand together through this amazing time of our lives!


Love Sarah x