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Unmasking your Triggers


The Mechanism of Triggers: Unravelling the Mystery


Triggers are emotional responses that arise when a current situation, person, or event unconsciously reminds us of a past experience. They stem from our brain’s primal need to protect us by preparing our body for fight, flight, or freeze responses. Triggers can be both obvious and subtle, ranging from a word spoken in passing to a particular tone of voice.


The Power of the Subconscious: How Triggers Impact Us


Unleashing Emotions: Triggers are like keys that unlock a door to a repository of suppressed emotions. They evoke intense reactions, often disproportionate to the current situation, as we’re not just responding to what’s happening in the present, but to the echoes of the past.


Forming Beliefs: Triggers are architects of our beliefs. When we experience a trigger repeatedly, our mind starts forming connections between the trigger and the emotions it unleashes. Over time, these connections solidify into subconscious beliefs that shape our perception of the world.


Shaping Behaviour: Our subconscious mind learns from triggers. If we’ve learned that a particular response, such as anger or withdrawal, helps us cope with a trigger, we’re more likely to employ that response again when faced with a similar trigger.


The Ripple Effect: How Triggers Influence Our Lives


Relationship Dynamics: Triggers play a significant role in relationships. They can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, as our triggered reactions might not align with the intentions of others.


Self-Image and Self-Esteem: Repeated triggers can chip away at our self-esteem. If a trigger consistently evokes feelings of inadequacy, we may internalize these feelings, leading to a distorted self-image.


Decision-Making: Triggers have the potential to sway our decision-making. Our triggered responses might lead us to make impulsive choices that don’t align with our long-term goals.

Unravelling the Subconscious Web: Navigating Triggers


Awareness: The first step in addressing triggers is becoming aware of them. Notice the patterns of your emotional reactions and explore their origins.


Reflection and Healing: Delve into the past experiences that may be the root of your triggers. Engage in self-reflection, journaling, or therapy to process and heal these experiences.


Reprogramming Beliefs: Challenge and reprogram the subconscious beliefs triggered by past experiences. Replace limiting beliefs with affirmations that promote self-compassion and growth.


Mindfulness and Coping Strategies: Develop mindfulness practices that help you pause before reacting to triggers. Implement healthy coping strategies to navigate triggered emotions in a constructive way.

Our final thoughts


Triggers are the threads that weave the fabric of our emotional responses, creating a tapestry that connects past and present. As we unravel the impact of triggers on our subconscious mind, we gain insight into the intricate interplay between our experiences, emotions, and beliefs. By acknowledging and addressing triggers, we empower ourselves to rewrite the narrative of our subconscious, fostering emotional well-being, healthier relationships, and a more authentic connection with ourselves and the world around us.

To work with Sarah on a 1-1 basis and dissolve the very triggers that are holding you back can see a big difference in as easily as easily as one session. Book your session with Sarah today to start working through these unwanted and painful emotions.


Love S x

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