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The Power of Felt Sense

The Wisdom Within: Unveiling the Power of Felt Sense


In the intricate landscape of human experience, there exists a realm of subtlety that goes beyond words and logic – the realm of felt sense. This ability to sense and interpret bodily sensations carries profound wisdom, guiding us through the labyrinth of emotions, memories, and intuition. Join us as we delve into the concept of felt sense, explore its significance, and uncover how it can enrich our journey toward self-discovery and emotional well-being.

Unravelling Felt Sense: A Deeper Understanding


Felt sense refers to the intricate web of bodily sensations that arise in response to thoughts, emotions, and experiences. This phenomenon, often associated with the work of psychologist Eugene Gendlin, suggests that our bodies hold an intuitive intelligence that transcends our conscious awareness. It’s as if our bodies possess a language of their own, quietly communicating the nuances of our inner world. A book I love on mapping the bodies emotions is, the Body Holds the Score.


The Language of Sensations: How Felt Sense Communicates


Subtle Messages: Felt sense operates in the realm of subtlety. It might manifest as a tingling in your stomach when making a decision or a heaviness in your chest when reminiscing about a past event. These sensations convey information beyond words.


Unspoken Emotions: Sometimes, emotions can be too complex for verbal expression. Felt sense bridges this gap by allowing us to connect with emotions that are difficult to articulate. It’s a direct line to our emotional landscape.


Intuitive Wisdom: Have you ever had a gut feeling that guided you in a certain direction? Felt sense taps into your intuition, offering insights and guidance that your rational mind might overlook.


The Dance of Self-Discovery: Unleashing the Potential of Felt Sense


Cultivating Mindfulness: Felt sense invites us to be fully present in our bodies. By practicing mindfulness, we can tune into these subtle sensations, fostering a deeper connection with our inner world.


Embracing Embodiment: In a world dominated by thoughts, felt sense encourages us to embody our experiences. It’s an invitation to acknowledge and honour the wisdom our bodies hold.


Navigating Emotions: When overwhelmed by intense emotions, pausing to tune into your felt sense can provide clarity. The sensations can guide you to the root of your feelings and help you navigate them.


Enhancing Creativity: Artists, writers, and creators often rely on felt sense to channel their creative energy. By tapping into bodily sensations, they access a wellspring of inspiration.


The Journey Within: Cultivating Felt Sense


Quiet Reflection: Set aside time for introspection. Find a serene space where you can tune into your body without distractions. Breathe deeply and allow yourself to become aware of any sensations.


Open Curiosity: Approach felt sense with an open and curious mind. Don’t judge or analyse the sensations. Instead, let them flow naturally and observe their nuances.


Practice Patience: Like any skill, developing a connection with felt sense takes time. Be patient with yourself as you learn to interpret these subtle signals.


Working with a professional


Felt sense, the silent language of the body, is a portal to our innermost self. As we attune to these bodily sensations, we unlock a treasure trove of insights, emotions, and intuitive wisdom. This powerful tool guides us through the labyrinth of human experience, enriching our lives with a deeper connection to ourselves and the world around us. By embracing felt sense, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-compassion, and emotional well-being that unfolds through the whispers of our own bodies.


If you would like to work with me on a one-one basis and gain a deeper understanding of your bodies and the emotions you are holding deep within please visit and book an intuitive coaching session.


Love S x

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